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Lotan A, Fine M, Benhillel R (1994) Synchronization of the Life-Cycle and Dispersal Pattern of the Tropical Invader Scyphomedusan Rhopilema-Nomadica Is Temperature-Dependent. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 109: 59-65
Kushmaro A, Loya Y, Fine M, Rosenberg E (1996) Bacterial infection and coral bleaching. Nature 380: 396-396
Klein R, Tudhope AW, Chilcott CP, Patzold J, Abdulkarim Z, Fine M, Fallick AE, Loya Y (1997) Evaluating southern Red Sea corals as a proxy record for the Asian monsoon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 148: 381-394
KramarskyWinter E, Fine M, Loya Y (1997) Coral polyp expulsion. Nature 387: 137-137
Kushmaro A, Rosenberg E, Fine M, Loya Y (1997) Bleaching of the coral Oculina patagonica by Vibrio AK-1. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 147: 159-165
Kushmaro A, Rosenberg E, Fine M, Ben Haim Y, Loya Y (1998) Effect of temperature on bleaching of the coral Oculina patagonica by Vibrio AK-1. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 171: 131-137
Abelson A, Shteinman B, Fine M, Kaganovsky S (1999) Mass transport from pollution sources to remote coral reefs in Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin 38: 25-29
Felis T, Patzold J, Loya Y, Fine M, Nawar AH, Wefer G (2000) A coral oxygen isotope record from the northern Red Sea documenting NAO, ENSO, and North Pacific teleconnections on Middle East climate variability since the year 1750. Paleoceanography 15: 679-694
Banin E, Israely T, Fine M, Loya Y, Rosenberg E (2001) Role of endosymbiotic zooxanthellae and coral mucus in the adhesion of the coral-bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi to its host. Fems Microbiology Letters 199: 33-37
Felis T, Patzold J, Loya Y, Fine M, Nawar AH, Wefer G (2001) A coral oxygen isotope record from the northern Red Sea documenting NAO, ENSO, and North Pacific teleconnections on Middle East climate variability since the year 1750 (vol 15, pg 679, 2000). Paleoceanography 16: 233-234
Fine M, Zibrowius H, Loya Y (2001) Oculina patagonica: a non-lessepsian scleractinian coral invading the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology 138: 1195-1203
Fine M, Banin E, Israely T, Rosenberg E, Loya Y (2002a) Ultraviolet radiation prevents bleaching in the Mediterranean coral Oculina patagonica. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 226: 249-254
Fine M, Loya Y (2002) Endolithic algae: an alternative source of photoassimilates during coral bleaching. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 269: 1205-1210
Fine M, Oren U, Loya Y (2002b) Bleaching effect on regeneration and resource translocation in the coral Oculina patagonica. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 234: 119-125
Golani D, Fine M (2002) On the occurrence of Hippocampus fuscus in the eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Fish Biology 60: 764-766
Fine M, Loya Y (2003) Alternate coral-bryozoan competitive superiority during coral bleaching. Marine Biology 142: 989-996
Sussman M, Loya Y, Fine M, Rosenberg E (2003) The marine fireworm Hermodice carunculata is a winter reservoir and spring-summer vector for the coral-bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi. Environmental Microbiology 5: 250-255
Fine M, Steindler L, Loya Y (2004) Endolithic algae photoacclimate to increased irradiance during coral bleaching. Marine and Freshwater Research 55: 115-121
Hoegh-Guldberg O, Fine M (2004) Low temperatures cause coral bleaching. Coral Reefs 23: 444-444
Siboni N, Fine M, Bresler V, Loya Y (2004) Coastal coal pollution increases Cd concentrations in the predatory gastropod Hexaplex trunculus and is detrimental to its health. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 111-118
Fine M, Aluma Y, Meroz-Fine E, Abelson A, Loya Y (2005) Acabaria erythraea (Octocorallia : Gorgonacea) a successful invader to the Mediterranean Sea? Coral Reefs 24: 161-164
Fine M, Meroz-Fine E, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2005) Tolerance of endolithic algae to elevated temperature and light in the coral Montipora monasteriata from the southern Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 75-81
Hoegh-Guldberg O, Fine M, Skirving W, Johnstone R, Dove S, Strong A (2005) Coral bleaching following wintry weather. Limnology and Oceanography 50: 265-271
Shenkar N, Fine M, Loya Y (2005) Size matters: bleaching dynamics of the coral Oculina patagonica. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 294: 181-188
Ainsworth TD, Fine M, Blackall LL, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2006) Fluorescence in situ hybridization and spectral imaging of coral-associated bacterial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 3016-3020
Dove S, Ortiz JC, Enriquez S, Fine M, Fisher P, Iglesias-Prieto R, Thornhill D, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2006) Response of holosymbiont pigments from the scleractinian coral Montipora monasteriata to short-term heat stress. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 1149-1158
Fine M, Roff G, Ainsworth TD, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2006) Phototrophic microendoliths bloom during coral "white syndrome". Coral Reefs 25: 577-581
Roff G, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Fine M (2006) Intra-colonial response to Acroporid "White syndrome" lesions in tabular Acropora spp. (Scleractinia). Coral Reefs 25: 255-264
Shenkar N, Fine M, Kramarsky-Winter E, Loya Y (2006) Population dynamics of zooxanthellae during a bacterial bleaching event. Coral Reefs 25: 223-227
Ainsworth TD, Kramasky-Winter E, Loya Y, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Fine M (2007) Coral disease diagnostics: What's between a plague and a band? Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 981-992
Magnusson SH, Fine, M., Kuhl, M. (2007) Light microclimate of endolithic phototrophs in the scleractinian corals Montipora monasteriata and Porites cylindrica. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 332: 119-128
Ainsworth TD, Kvennefors EC, Blackall LL, Fine M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2007) Disease and cell death in white syndrome of Acroporid corals on the Great Barrier Reef. Mar. Biol. 151: 19-29
Roff G, Kvennefors ECE, Ulstrup K, Fine M and Hoegh-Guldberg O (2008) Coral disease physiology: the impact of Acroporid white syndrome on Symbiodinium Coral Reefs, 27:373-377
Fine M, Tchernov D (2007) Scleractinian coral species survive and recover from decalcification. Science 315: 1811.
Ainsworth TD, Fine M, Roff G, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2007) Bacteria are not the primary cause of bleaching in the Mediterranean coral Oculina patagonica. ISME 2: 67-73
Fine M, Tchernov D (2007) Ocean acidification and scleractinian corals - Response. Science 317: 1032-1033
Yarden O, Ainsworth TD, Roff G, Leggat W, Fine M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2007) Increased Prevalence of Ubiquitous Ascomycetes in an Acropoid Coral (Acropora formosa) Exhibiting Symptoms of Brown Band Syndrome and Skeletal Eroding Band Disease. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73: 2755-2757
Hall-Spencer JM, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner SM, Rowley S, Tedesco D and Buia MC (2008) Volcanic carbon dioxide vents reveal ecosystem effects of ocean acidification. Nature 454:96-99
Roff G, Ulstrup KE, Fine M, Ralph PJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2008) Spatial heterogeneity of photosynthetic activity within diseased corals from the great barrier reef. Journal of Phycology 44: 526-538
Roff G, Kvennefors E, Ulstrup K, Fine M, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2008). "Coral disease physiology: the impact of Acroporid white syndrome on Symbiodinium. Coral Reefs 27: 373-377
Dove SG, Lovell C, Fine M, Deckenback J, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Iglesias-Prieto R, Anthony KRN (2008) Host pigments: potential facilitators of photosynthesis in coral symbioses. Plant Cell and Environment 31: 1523-1533
Lee JJ, Fine M, Levy O, Morales J (2009) A Note on sexual reproduction of a Marginopora sp. from a modern deep-water population in the Heron-Wistari channel, Australia. Jour. Forameniferal Res. 39: 4-7
Kaniewska P, Campbell P. R, Fine M, Hoegh-Guldberg, O (2009) Phototropic growth in a reef flat acroporid branching coral species. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 662-667
Sisma-Ventura, G, Guzner, B, Yam, R, Fine M, Shemesh A (2009) The reef builder gastropod Dendropoma petreaum - A proxy of short and long term climatic events in the Eastern Mediterranean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73: 4376–4383
Krief S, Hendy EJ, Fine M, Yam R, Meibom A, Foster GL, Shemesh A (2010) Physiological and isotopic responses of scleractinian corals to ocean acidification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74:4988-5001
Meron D, Atias E, Iasur Kruh L, Elifantz H, Minz D, Fine M and Banin E (2010) The impact of reduced pH on the microbial community of the coral Acropora eurystoma ISME 5:51-60
Veal CJ, Carmi M, Fine M and Hoegh-Guldberg O (2010) Increasing the surface area detection resolution by single wax dipping of coral fragments. Coral Reefs 29:893-897
Lee JJ, Cervasco M, Morales J, Billik M, Fine M, and Levy O (2010). Symbiosis drove cellular evolution. Symbiosis 51, 13-25.
Veal CJ, Carmi M Dishon G, Sharon Y, Michael K, Tchernov D, Hoegh-Guldberg O and Fine M (2011) Shallow water wave lensing in Coral Reefs: A physical and biological case study. J. Exp. Biol 213:4304-4312
Gutner-Hoch E and Fine M (2011) Genotypic Diversity and Distribution of Ostreobium quekettii within Scleractinian Corals. Coral Reefs 30: 643-650
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Houlbrèque F, Tambutté E, Boisson F, Baggini C, Patti FP, Jeffree R, Fine M, Foggo A, Gattuso J-P and Hall-Spencer JM. (2011) Coral and mollusc resistance to ocean acidification moderated by warming. Nature Clim Change 1:308-312
Roff G, Kvennefors ECE, Maoz Fine, Ortiz J, Hoegh-Guldberg O, The ecology of ‘Acroporid white syndrome’, a coral disease from the Southern Great Barrier Reef. PLos ONE 6(12): e26829
Dishon G, Dubinsky Z, Fine M and Iluz D (2012) Underwater light field patterns in subtropical coastal waters: A case study from the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba). Isr. J. Plant. Scie.
Meron D, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Cunning R, Baker AC, Fine M, and Banin E (2012), Changes in coral microbial communities in response to a natural pH gradient ISME 6: 1775-1785.
Gabay Y, Benayahu Y and Fine M, (2012) Does elevated pCO2 affect reef octocorals? Ecology and Evolution 3:465–751
Hilmi N, Allemand D, Dupont S, et al. (2012) Towards improved socio-economic assessments of ocean acidification’s impacts. Marine Biology DOI: 10.1007/s00227-012-2031-5
Cohen S and Fine M, Measuring gross and net calcification of a reef coral under ocean acidification conditions: methodological considerations. Biogeoscience DOI:10.5194/bgd-9-8241-2012
Meron D. Fine M. Buia M.C. Banin E, (2012) Changes in microbial communities associated with the Sea anemone Anemonia viridis in a natural pH gradient. Microbiology of Aquatic Systems DOI: 10.1007/s00248-012-0127-6
Tremblay P. Fine M. Maguer J. F Grover R. and Ferrier-Pag`es C. (2013) Ocean acidification increases photosynthate translocation in a coral–dinoflagellates symbiosis. Biogeosciences 10: 83-109
Byler KA, Carmi-Veal M, Fine M, Goulet TL (2013) Multiple Symbiont Acquisition Strategies as an Adaptive Mechanism in the Coral Stylophora pistillata. PLoS ONE 8: e59596. doi:10.1371
Kennedy EV, Perry CT, Halloran PR, Iglesias-Prieto R, Schönberg CHL, Wisshak M , Form AU, Carricart-Ganivet JP, Fine M, C. Eakin M, Mumby PJ (2013) Avoiding coral reef functional collapse requires local and global action. Current Biology 23: 912-918
Foran E, Weiner S, Fine M (2013) Biogenic Fish-gut Calcium Carbonate is a Stable Amorphous Phase in the Gilt-head Seabream, Sparus aurata Scientific reports. 2013, 3:1700
Borell EM, Steinke M, Fine M (2013) Direct and indirect effects of high pCO2 on algal grazing by coral reef herbivores from the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) Coral Reefs DOI 10.1007/s00338-013-1066-5
Fine M, Gildor H and Genin A (2013) A coral reef Refugia in the Red Sea. Global Change Biology 19: 3640-3647
Fine M, Sabbah S, Shashar N, and Hoegh-Guldberg O (2013) Light from down under. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 4341-4346
Gabay Y, Fine M, Benayahu Y (2014). Octocoral tissue provides protection from declining oceanic pH, Plos ONE 9: e91553
Milazzo M, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Bin San Chan V, Fine M, Alessi C, Thiyagarajan V, Hall-Spencer J & Chemello R (2014) Ocean acidification impairs vermetid reef recruitment. Scientific Reports 4:4189
Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Hoogenboom M, Rottier C , Ramos-Esplá A, Baker A, Fine M and Ferrier-Pagès C (2014) Thermally tolerant corals have limited capacity to acclimatize to future warming. Global Change Biology 20:3036-3049.
Horwitz R and Fine M (2014) High CO2 detrimentally affects tissue regeneration of Red Sea corals. Coral Reefs 33:819–829
Borell EM, Steinke M, Horwitz R, Fine M (2014) Increasing pCO2 correlates with low concentrations of intracellular dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the sea anemone Anemonia viridis. Ecology and Evolution 4:441-449
Gabay Y, Fine M, Benayahu Y (2014), The azooxanthellate soft coral Dendronephthya hemprichi under ocean acidification conditions Hydrobiologia (in press).
Horwitz R, Borell E, Fine M, Shaked Y (2014) Trace element profiles of the sea anemone Anemonia viridis living nearby a natural CO2 vent. Peer J e538
Hazan Y, Wangensteen OS, Fine M (2014) Tough as a rock-boring urchin: Adult Echinometra sp. EE from the Red Sea show high resistance to ocean acidification over long term exposures. Marine Biology DOI 10.1007/s00227-014-2525-4.
Grover R, Ferrier-Pages C, Maguer JF, Ezzat L, Fine M (2014) Nitrogen fixation in the mucus of Red Sea corals. JEB doi:10.1242/jeb.111591
Horwitz R, Borell EM, Yam R, Shemesh A, Fine M, (2015) Natural high pCO2 increases autotrophy in Anemonia viridis (Anthozoa) as revealed from stable isotope (C, N) analysis. Scientific Reports 5: 8779 | DOI: 10.1038/srep08779
Kvitt H, Kramarsky-Winter E, Maor-Landaw K, Zandbank K, Kushmaro A, Rosenfeld H, Fine M, and Tchernov D (2015) Breakdown of coral colonial form under reduced pH conditions is initiated in polyps and mediated through apoptosis. PNAS
Hall ER, DeGroot BC, Fine M (2015) Lesion recovery of two scleractinian corals under low pH conditions: implications for restoration efforts Mar Pollut Bull doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.08.030
Krueger T, Kopp C, Domart-Coulon I, Fine M, Meibom A (2015) NanoSIMS isotopic imaging – deciphering the nature of coral-symbiont metabolic interaction. European Journal of Phycology 50:60-61
Lee J.J., Cevasco M., Morales J., Billick M., Fine M. & Levy O. (2016). VARIATION AMONG THE MARGINOPORA VERTEBRALIS COLLECTED FROM THE GREAT BARRIER REEF, AUSTRALIA. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 46, 201-219.
Fine M, Tsadok R, Meron D, Cohen S, Milazzo M (2016) Environmental sensitivity of Neogoniolithon brassica-florida associated with vermetid reefs in the Mediterranean Sea. ICES J Mar Sci 2016 fsw167. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw167
Muller EM, Fine M, Ritchie KB (2016) The stable microbiome of inter and sub-tidal anemone species under increasing pCO(2). Scientific Reports 6
Horwitz, R., Hoogenboom, M.O. and Fine, M. (2017) Spatial competition dynamics between reef corals under ocean acidification. Scientific Reports 7.
Bednarz, V.N., Grover, R., Maguer, J.F., Fine, M. and Ferrier-Page, C. (2017) The Assimilation of Diazotroph-Derived Nitrogen by Scleractinian Corals Depends on Their Metabolic Status. Mbio 8.
Perry, O., Y. Sapir, G. Perry, H. ten Hove, and M. Fine (2017) Substrate selection of Spirobranchus in the Gulf of Eilat. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315416002022
Ezzat L., Fine M., Maguer J-F., Grover R., Ferrier-Pages C. (2017) Carbon and nitrogen acquisition of shallow and deep holobionts of the scleractinian coral S. pistillata. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4:102 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00102
Krueger T., Horwitz N., Bodin J., Giovani ME. Escrig S.,Meibom A., Fine M. (2017) Common reef building coral in the northern Red Sea resistant to elevated temperature and acidification. Roy. Soc. Open Sci.4:170038
Bellworthy J, Fine M (2017) Beyond peak summer temperatures, branching corals in the Gulf of Aqaba are resilient to thermal stress but sensitive to high light. Coral Reefs DOI 10.1007/s00338-017-1598-1
Cohen SK, Krueger T, Fine M (2017) Measuring coral calcification under ocean acidification: methodological considerations for the 45Ca-uptake and total alkalinity anomaly technique. Peer J DOI 10.7717/peerj.3749
Perry O, Bronstein O, Blecher N, Atkins A, Kupriyanova E, ten Hove H, Levy O and Fine M (2018) On the genus Spirobranchus (Annelida, Polychaeta, Serpulidae) from the northern Red Sea, and a description of a new species. Invertebrate Systematics 32: 605-626
Grinblat, M., Fine, M., Tikochinski, Y. Loya Y (2018) Stylophora pistillata in the Red Sea demonstrate higher GFP fluorescence under ocean acidification conditions. Coral Reefs37: 309-320
Bellworthy J and Fine M (2018) The Red Sea Simulator: A high-precision climate change mesocosm with automated monitoring for the long-term study of coral reef organisms Limnology & Oceanography: Methods (doi: 10.1002/lom3.10250)
Hall E., Muller EM, Goulet T., Bellworthy J., Ritchie KB., Fine M (2018) Eutrophication may compromise the resilience of the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata to global change. Marine Pollution Bulletin131:701-711.
Krueger T., Bodin J., Horwitz N., Loussert-Fonta C., Sakr A., Escrig S., Fine M. and Meibom A. (2018) Temperature and feeding induce tissue level changes in autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrient allocation in the coral symbiosis – A NanoSIMS study. Scientific Reports 8 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-31094-1.
Bellworthy J., Menoud M., Krueger T., Meibom A. and Fine M (2018) Developmental carry over effects of ocean warming and acidification in corals from a potential climate refugium, Gulf of Aqaba. Journal of Experimental Biology
Fine M, Cinar M, Voolstra CR, Safa A, Rinkevich B, Laffoley D, Hilmi N, Allemand D (2019) Coral Reefs of the Red Sea- challenges and solutions. Regional Studies in Marine Science (25) 100498
Banc-Prandi G and Fine M (2019) Copper enrichment reduces thermal tolerance of the highly resistant Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata Coral Reefs
Cattano C, Milazzo M, Fine M, Holzman R, Quattrocchi F (2019) Behavioural responses of fish groups exposed to a predatory threat under elevated CO2.Marine Environmental Research.
Coronado I, Fine M, Bosellini F, Stolarski J (2019) Impact of ocean acidification on crystallographic vital effect of the coral skeleton. Nature Communications 10:2896 |
Pupier et al. (2019) Divergent capacity of scleractinian and soft corals to assimilate and transfer diazotrophically-derived nitrogen to the reef environment. Frontiers Microbiology 14;10:1860. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01860.
Fine M., Hoegh-Guldberg O., Meroz-Fine. E., Dove S., (2019) Ecological changes over 90 years at Low Isles on the Great Barrier Reef, Nature Communications.
Bellworthy J, Spangenberg J, Fine M (2019) Feeding increases the number of offspring but decreases parental investment of Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata. Ecology and Evolution 9: 12245-12258
Pupier CA, Fine M, Bednarz VN, Rottier C, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C (2019) Productivity and carbon fluxes depend on species and symbiont density in soft coral symbioses. Scientific Reports 9:17819,
Gibbin, E., Banc-Prandi, G., Fine, M. et al. A method to disentangle and quantify host anabolic turnover in photosymbiotic holobionts with subcellular resolution. Commun Biol 3, 14 (2020).
Krueger T, Horwitz N, Bodin J, Giovani M-E,Escrig S, Fine, M, Meibom A (2020)Intracellular competition for nitrogen controls dinoflagellate population density in corals,Proc Roy Soc B, 287:1922 http://doi =10.1098/rspb.2020.0049
Kleinhaus K, Al-Sawalmih A, Barshis D, Genin A, Grace L, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Loya Y, Meibom A, Osman E, Ruch J-D, Shaked Y, Voolstra C, Zvuloni A, Fine M, (2020) Science, Diplomacy, and the Red Sea’s Unique Coral Reef: It’s Time for Action. Frontiers in Marine Science 7, DOI=10.3389/fmars.2020.00090
Lifshitz N, Hazanov L, Fine M, Yarden O (2020) Seasonal Variations in the Culturable Mycobiome of Acropora loripes along a Depth Gradient. Microorganisms 8: 1139; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8081139
Banc-Prandi G, Cerutti JMB, Fine M (2020) Recovery assessment of the branching coral Stylophora pistillata following copper contamination and depuration. Mar Poll Bull (in press).
Liberman R, Fine M, Benayahu Y, (2021) Simulated climate change scenarios impact the reproduction and early life stages of a soft coral. Mar Enviro. Res 163: 105215
Kleinhaus K, Voolstra CR., Meibom A, Amitai Y, Gildor H, Fine M (2020) A Closing Window of Opportunity to Save a Unique Marine Ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 1117, DOI=10.3389/fmars.2020.615733
Evensen NR, Fine M, Perna G, Voolstra CR, Barshis DJ. (2021) Remarkably high and consistent tolerance of a Red Sea coral to acute and chronic thermal stress exposures, Limnol Oceanogr,
Bellworthy J and Fine M (2021) Warming resistant corals from the Gulf of Aqaba live close to their cold-water bleaching threshold, Peer J DOI 10.7717/peerj.11100
Pupier C., Fine M., Grover R., Ferrier-Pages C. (2021) Lipid biomarkers reveal the trophic plasticity of octocorals along a depth gradient. Limnol Oceanogr
Savary R., Barshis DJ., Voolstra CR., Cárdenas A., Evensen NR., Banc-Prandi G., Maoz Fine M and Meibom A (2021). Fast and pervasive transcriptomic resilience and acclimation of extremely heat tolerant coral holobionts from the northern Red Sea. PNAS 118:19 e2023298118.
Pupier CA, Grover R, Fine M, Rottier C, van de Water J, Ferrier-Pagès, C (2021) Dissolved nitrogen acquisition in the symbioses of soft and hard corals with Symbiodiniaceae: a key to understand their different nutritional strategies? Frontiers in Microbiology 12:1215
Bednarz V, van de Water JAJM, Grover R, Maguer J-F, Fine M, Ferrier-Pages C (2021) Unravelling the importance of diazotrophy in corals - Combined assessment of nitrogen assimilation, diazotrophic community and natural stable isotope signatures. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Voolstra, CR, Valenzuela, JJ, Turkarslan, S, Cardenas, A, Hume, BCC, Perna, G, Buitrago-Lopez, C, Rowe, K, Orellana, MV, Baliga, NS, Paranjape, S, Banc-Prandi, G, Bellworthy, J, Fine, M, Frias-Torres, S., & Barshis, DJ (2021). Contrasting heat stress response patterns of coral holobionts across the Red Sea suggest distinct mechanisms of thermal tolerance. Molecular Ecology, 00, 1– 15.
Kochman N-R, Grover R, Rottier C, Ferrier-Pages C, Fine M (2021) The reef building coral Stylophora pistillata uses stored carbohydrates to maintain ATP levels under thermal stress. Coral Reefs (in press)
Banister RB, Schwarz MT, Fine M, Ritchie KR, Muller EM (2021). Instability and Stasis Among the Microbiome of Seagrass Leaves, Roots and Rhizomes, and Nearby Sediments Within a Natural pH Gradient. Microb Ecol .
Ferrier-Pagès C, Bednarz V, Grover R, Benayahu Y, Maguer JF. Rottier C, Wiedenmann J, Fine M (2021) Symbiotic stony and soft corals: Is their host-algae relationship really mutualistic at lower mesophotic reefs?
Blanckaert A, Omanović D, Fine M, Grover R, Ferrier-Pagès C (2022) Desert dust deposition supplies essential bioelements to Red Sea corals. Global Change Biology, 00, 1– 19.
Banc-Prandi G, Evensen NR, Barshis DJ, Perna G, Moussa Omar Y, Fine M, Assessment of temperature optimum signatures of corals at both latitudinal extremes of the Red Sea, Conservation Physiology, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022, coac002,
Banc-Prandi, G., Baharier, N., Benaltabet, T., Torfstein, A., Antler, G., & Fine, M. (2022). Elevated temperatures reduce the resilience of the Red Sea branching coral Stylophora pistillata to copper pollution. Aquatic Toxicology, 106096.
Evensen NR, Voolstra CR, Fine M, Perna G, Buitrago-López C, Cárdenas A, Banc-Prandi G, Rowe K, Barshis DJ (2022) Empirically derived thermal thresholds of four coral species along the Red Sea using a portable and standardized experimental approach. Coral Reefs 41:239-252 doi 10.1007/s00338-022-02233-y
Kochman-Gino, N., & Fine, M. (2023). Reef building corals show resilience to the hottest marine heatwave on record in the gulf of aqaba. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: