Current Members
Britt Ronen, Lab manager
Dror Komet, Technician-Aquaria and Marine operations
Naama-Rose Kochman, Ph.D. Student
2018-today: Coral energetic budget under environmental change
Chen Azulay, Ph.D. Student
2018-today: The effect of endogenous and exogenous steroids on coral reproduction
Julia Cerutti, Ph.D. student
2019-today. Ecology of halos in seagrass meadows
Dr. Karine Kleinhaus, visiting scientist.
2019-today, Coral reproduction, and steroids
Ayelet Zion, MSc Student (co-supervised with Nir Keren)
2023-today, Photosynthetic pigments of coral symbionts along a depth gradient,
Alessandra Pack, MSc Student
2023-today, Coral response to environmental change at hours to years timescales.
Lior Granit, MSc Student (co-supervised with Oded Yarden)
2023-today. Coral-fungi association and its effect on the microbiome
Rotem Levi, MSc Student (co-supervised with Oded Yarden)
2023-today. Coral-fungi association under thermal stress